Sunday, September 8, 2013

Reassignment While Waiting for my Visa

Hey friends and family,

Today was a great extra surprise pday. I got all packed and am basically ready to leave the MTC. Minus the fact that there is a day in between now and when I leave. So basically I'm going to be living out of the free bin because I don't know where any of my things are in my suitcases, I packed and repacked them like 4000 times to be able to make the weight in each. I'm ultra bummed that I had to get another bag... All of those books they give you really weigh you down, literally. And seeing as I'm still supposed to be able to communicate once I finally get to Brazil, I need to take them with me. But still I don't know where All the other stuff came from. I mean I picked up a few t-shirts from the free bin because I realized that I needed more work out shirts as a runner because I sweat a lot apparently. Since I've never been a runner, I never would have known that. I'm not REALLY a runner now... but for the majority of gym times, I've been working on it. And I am quite pleased to announce that probably three weeks into my stay, I successfully ran two consecutive miles without stopping. And I'm am proud of it.

Mostly though, other than packing, there isn't really much going on. Just waiting and still studying in Portuguese. Which makes sense since I'm not going to Brazil. But really, I do love Portuguese and I love how far I've come and how awesome I feel like I am. Sometimes during lessons I forget that I'm speaking in Portuguese. I forget that it's not English and that I'm not really logically supposed to be more comfortable in this language than the one I've spoken for the last 19 years of my life. I love how that happened. The other day I was asked to pray before our service project and I had to do it in English and it was the hardest prayer I have ever given. I seriously haven't prayed in all English for over a month. Praying is normal to me in Portuguese now. And I think I probably won't switch back. I mean I use English when I can't think of words or don't know them, but mostly it's Portuguese. 

Oh, I got to leave the MTC again. One of my companions had to get their wisdom teeth out yesterday because they didn't actually have room for them when her dentist said they did so it was infected and causing problems. So we went out and got that done and it was just as weird as the first time. I'm not sure how the world outside of this place works anymore. I'm going to have to adjust a lot. 
Well, here are some pictures: 
1) Me pointing at BOTH of my missions! How blessed am I?? I get two missions! And I couldn't be happier. I can't even believe that it was only yesterday that I got my reassignment. It just seems so normal that I'm going to New York. It seems so perfect and I can't wait! Fun possibility about my mission: the Sacred Grove might be in it. HOW GREAT would that be if I got to visit. Oh how I hope it is in my mission and oh how I hope I get to go. That would make me so extraordinarily happy. 
2)This is a rock that has been in our room for the last few weeks. It's kind of like a pet in a way. We love it. We found it while cleaning out a pipe chase for service and decided to keep it just in case we needed to give someone as a present again like we did for one of our Elder's birthday. But we didn't need to and we (mostly me) became sort of attached to it. It is a really nice rock. (sorry it's sideways. Computers are hard and I can't make them work) 

I hope that all is well wherever you are. Have a great day and know that you are in God and mine's thoughts!

-Sister Damstedt

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