Monday, September 23, 2013

Drowned Biker?

This week the weather has been the weirdest. So I get here and the first day is sweltering. IT is so hot. And then the next night it's freezing. And it goes back and forth all over the place every few nights. Getting up in the morning is REAL hard when it's cold.... and I often fall asleep while I'm praying. It's a struggle every morning and I'm trying my best to repent and do better. But there was the first rainy day. And of course since I didn't plan to be a biker, I'm in a biking mission. Well Sister Astorga and I got to ride around in the rain and get all wet and dirty and talk to a few people and it was great. It rains A LOT when it decides to rain and the streets, sidewalks, and front yards get really flooded. Everything is uneven so there are some parts that are perfectly dry and others that have literally like 17 feet of water. It's pretty fun. In a wet kind of cold way.
Also, the first day of biking, Sister Astorga's bike likes to break... so we get to play mechanics and fix it. or walk home and wait for you upstairs neighbor from Tonga to help us fix it. That might have happened. 
Really though, other than the weather and the other small things like I wish I had my sweaters to snuggle into and that no one really wants to talk to us, things are going great. My companion is a doll and the two sisters we room with are something else. We are having as much fun as a missionary is allowed to have(; ha. Sometimes more though. 
Have a great day! D&C 6:36. I wrote it in my planner and don't know why or what it says, so hope it could maybe apply to someone out there(: Enjoy!
-Sister Damstedt

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