Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Birthday ROCK

Hey everyone!

This is the birthday rock we sisters gave an elder on his birthday. It has all five sister in my district and one set of the elders.
THis is a really big bee hive/wasp hive we found on our temple rock. It is literally the size of my face.
So things are trekking right along! I don't know what it is, but the saying, make it till Sunday is so true. After the first Sunday came the hardness didn't go away, but it was faster. Well looking back it feels faster. Everyday is long and hard and feels like three days in one that will never end... but filled with things that make it so you never want it to end but long for bed. Like the two sessions of 3 hour classes we have every day. That's great. But I'm learning so much and I can't wait to get into an actual mission field where what I'm doing is actually helping someone other than me.
My Portuguese is doing fine. I'm getting a lot better at reading than I am at speaking, but I think that's a stress thing. I can think in Port pretty well, just making it come out of my mouth is hard sometimes. But we did a pretend lesson with a tricompanionship of elders the other day and we had maybe 20 minutes to prepare... and well we did what we prepared and then they asked a question that we weren't expecting. The coolest thing ever happened: I was just like "BAM - Portuguese words" flowing out in a choppy, but very informatively confident way. I was pleased.
We finished with our first investigator last week and it was basically just a "yes I'll agree to everything so you can work on Portuguese" experience. This week, we started teaching anew one and tomorrow another new one. It is hard! Knowing what to say and then saying it is even harder... because we CAN"T yet. It's such a learning experience. I'm learning a lot about patience and rewording sentences with a limited vocabulary. It's pretty fun. I'm a miserable way.

Thanks family (and the Rews!) for the food that was sent! I was quite pleased. The hunger problem is diminishing slightly. Because of the food and because my stomach has adjusted to the food time and portions and lengths between eating. That was one of the hardest adjustments. The food is fine, but I do miss Taco bell. And baking. The cookies just aren't as good and I don't really want to eat them. So I don't. Thanks for the prayers and everything.
Dad, I am impressed to hear you found that bag all by yourself (with Mark's help I'm sure, that fashionista.) It's perfect. and the granola bars are great!
The other day I saw Sister Garrett (sp?) on campus! She is a teacher here at the MTC. She saw my name tag and approached me and it was her! With her cute little pregnant belly! I thought that was a fun thing, seeing one of the sister missionaries from back home... off and going on with their lives and having children. Well in three more months.
Also, if Travis hasn't left yet, let him know that to upload pictures here at the MTC it's a struggle. You basically need an SD card reader to get the pictures. Some cords don't work. You can buy them here around 7 dollars for the cheaper generic type but more advanced ones here are more expensive... for fancier cards or whatever. And since I don't know how much they are in the real world I can't compare. But that's something no one told me and it was a bummer and is dumb.
Every so often, I'll remember what I am: A missionary. I'll stop and smile and realize that It's finally happening. I love that. I love that I am here and that I am serving. It took me longer than most to get out here from my calling, but I did. It's funny to see people react when I say I got my call last November. They just can't even understand. And then I explain a touch and they are like "uh... oh." It's funny. Even funnier is the visa thing. EVERYONE (especially the elders) want their visas to come. They  think that the MTC in Brazil will magically be better... or easier or something. So they are silly. So the first few days that was a thing: to ask about everyone's visas and when they put it in and whatever else they felt was needed. And I'm always like, "mines been in for 8 months...." And they just widen their eyes and are like "YOU KIDDING ME?? Mine is never coming." And I say "yeah that is basically what it means."  But it's weird... everything would be so different for me if I hadn't have extended my call date... I'd be off somewhere else teaching and forgetting my port.... I wouldn't know the elders and the sisters I know.... I wouldn't have had my teachers or investigators. Sometimes I let my mind wander to that what would be different.... but then I realize it isn't different and I'm here now. I'm ready now and I'm serving now. I am a missionary. And THAT is what matters. Right now.
 God be with you all. I pray lots every day so you're in them. Exercising my Portuguese vocabulary(; Have a great day and remember God loves you and so do I! 
Bom Dia!
MY pictures: The first Sunday here was a fast Sunday...and I was SO Hungry! And then that was on our temple walk with my companions. Sister Auna is the shorter one and Sister Mapa the taller one.They are great!  More pictures will come next week!

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